The FIRST LEGO League Explore program serves our students in grades 2-4 (ages 6-10 years). Working in teams, they focus on the fundamentals of engineering through exploring real-world problems, creating unique solutions, and designing and coding a LEGO Education robot.

Oregon 2024-25 Season Schedule

January through March — Teams register with FIRST and ORTOP.

February through April — Teams meeting about once a week for a total of 6 to 12 times.
Saturday, May 3, 2025 in the morning — Catlin Gabel School, Portland — Details to be announced
Sunday, May 4, 2025 in the afternoon — Jesuit High School, Portland — Details to be announced
To-be-determined date in May — Roseburg – — Details to be announced

These are the culminating experience of the season, where students get to share and showcase their skills and solutions with other teams in Oregon, and interact with our dedicated reviewers who will provide positive reinforcement. Each of these events include an opening ceremony, team displays and reviewing, robot demonstrations and an awards ceremony. Each team will go home with a certificate of achievement based on the particular accomplishments of their team.