FIRST LEGO League Challenge Season Specifics

Each year FIRST chooses a new theme and designs a robot challenge and innovation project around the theme. The overall theme for the four FIRST programs for the 2022-23 season was FIRST® IN SHOWSM. The theme for FIRST LEGO League Challenge was MASTERPIECESM. The theme for FIRST LEGO League Challenge for the 2024-25 Season will be SUBMERGED. Here is the "teaser" video:
The kick off for the 2024-25 season will be held in August 2024.
Each team will need a Challenge Set that is specific to the season and should be ordered when the team is registered with FIRST for the season. The set includes a large MASTERPIECE vinyl mat and many bags of LEGO parts for building the mission elements for the robot game.
FIRST has provided a Resource Library for the Masterpiece season including challenge materials, rules, rubrics and more. The description of the Innovation Project can be found here.
MASTERPIECE Season Welcome Video
MASTERPIECE Season Missions and Scoring
Other Resources
- Guided Mission for previous SUPERPOWERED Season
- Each season FIRST creates sample code for one of the missions, called the "guided mission." This year the guided mission is "Theater Scene Change".
- Screen shot of the sample code
- Actual code file for the guided mission You can download this file and then open it using the SPIKE Prime App by selecting Open in the File menu.
- FIRST has created a comprehensive list of multimedia resources to support teams last season, many of which will be useful this season.
- Worksheets from FLL Tutorials
- Robot Design Engineering Notebook Worksheets
- Innovation Project Engineering Notebook Worksheets
- Core Values Engineering Notebook Worksheets
- Mission Model Building Guide
- Super Powered Mission Brainstorming
- Learn the Super Powered Missions.
- Unofficial MASTERPIECE Building and Setup Guide
- Tools by FLL Tutorials